L.U.N.Z. (Lazy Unicorns Nibble Zealously) - BINAURAL

Published: Aug. 9, 2018, midnight

b"NB: Listen with headphones to enjoy the immersive sound of this piece!\\n\\nGenerative soundscape based on a random walk between four binaural recordings made at Lunz, Austria on Aug 7th, 2018: 1) hikers escaping an approaching thunderstorm 2) rain and thunder at the courtyard of the castle 3) swimming in the lake, 4) ride on an electric canoe through a narrow water canal.\\n\\nSoundscapes recorded with Sennheiser Ambeo Headset. Generative software written in Max7 with objects from Karlheinz Essl's RTC-lib.\\n\\xa9 2018 by Karlheinz Essl"