How to be a better person. Part.1

Published: Feb. 11, 2021, 6 p.m.

b"Smile more,wear something remarkable,do something for the future you, forgive your mistakes,I forgive him/her day soon;find healthy outlet for your anger..vigorous cleaning, long runs,deep breath, screaming in your car alone,accept criticism, remind yourself of past triumphs,move more, Start your day right with exercises and gratitude,eat fruits and vegetables, open window look outside or a morning walk,expose to sunlight(20min,),meditate before bed,drink water to lubricate your joints and to remove toxins,do more squats, challenge your balance, change position of your body often,move more,get up and walk often,walk to postbox,sit cross legged,go outside even when you don't like the weather,go outside at night,;eat less use smaller plates,give a better compliment,(you are so smart;you are such a nice person), think about your legacy.. institution, people, organizations you support, turn off your phone in yoga class, temples, churches, meetings,; dress up to show others respect,and for attention.let others go first,hold the elevator, pick up the litter, work smarter not harder, turn off wi_fi each night you will sleep better, harmful e.m.fs are off, repair before you replace,make your car a dumptruck every time you drive out, keep dumbbells in your room so you can lift weights before you get dressed.strenghthen your grip(indicator of cardiovascular health)check our refrigerator before going out to shopping,use your own bags, take only what you need,make your bed it takes a minute to keep this and welcoming when you go to bed again."