85 millions of world population are Kidney patients.The talk is in "Tamil."

Published: Jan. 22, 2021, 12:58 a.m.

b"Symptoms of kidney failure and precautions. 50% of 75yrs old people in the world are affected by the kidney decease..Less salt, daily exercise ., keep hydrated.(This talk is in Tamil language.).Kidney failure...1.kidneys are natural filter in your body for blood.You have two kidneys and you could donate one of them for transplant if approved by a Dr. 2. Kidney filters 180 litter of blood per day expelling toxins from the medications, injections,and vaccines.If kidney doesn't functions properly all the toxins remain in your body and have to use an external dialysis machine hooked onto you. Go for dialysis if your Dr advises so.3. Avoid artificial sugars sweeteners,red meat salt, coffee, processed foods, Eat grapes,green leaves and vegetables, kidney beans,apples,drink 10-12 cups of water daily during the day to flush out toxins.Also drink cranberry juice. 4.Symptoms.. swelling of the legs,back pains,frequent urination I nights.Donot sit more than 1 hour,get up and walk often."