Paulo Freire and Learning to Remake Man

Published: July 11, 2022, 7:38 p.m.

b'The New Discourses Podcast with James Lindsay, Episode 84 \\nCritical Education Theory Series, Part 16 \\n\\nThis episode of the New Discourses Podcast continues a long miniseries exploring Paulo Freire\\u2019s landmark 1985 book The Politics of Education: Culture, Power, and Liberation (, and it is embedded in the broader Critical Education Theory series here ( In the previous part, James Lindsay presented the ideas in the seventh chapter of that book, where Freire makes clear that education is really meant to be about conscientization, which is to say becoming Marxist. The previous parts of this series, covering the earlier chapters of the book can be found here (, here (, here (, here (, and here (\\n\\nIn this episode, James takes up the eighth chapter of The Politics of Education, wherein Freire describes what he calls "The Process of Political Literacy." That is, in this chapter, Freire explains explicitly that political literacy, which is called cultural competence or racial literacy today, should replace the usual, actual literacy in education. Join him to understand how Freire didn\\u2019t just Marxify education but made the entire Marxist project of transforming society and man the centerpiece of his educational project.\\n\\nSupport New Discourses:\\\\\\\\\\\\n\\nWebsite:\\n\\n\\nFollow:\\\\\\\\n\\\\\\\\\\n\\n\\xa9 2022 New Discourses. All rights reserved.'