#585 - 08-29-23

Published: Sept. 4, 2023, 9:14 p.m.

b'585 - Recorded live on August 29, 2023\\n\\nAmbience for the night: Talamh - Rites Of Cernunnos\\ntalamheire.bandcamp.com/album/rites-of-cernunnos\\n\\n**Playlist**\\n1) Kyy - Festering Wounds\\n2) Uhripuu - Taivaallinen palvonta\\n3) Turpitude - Mvt.III: Courante\\n4) Rites of Tara - Where the Souls of the Dead Gather\\n**talk**\\n5) Wierde - Gunthvanon\\n6) Taarenes Vaar - The Lizard King and I\\n7) Akloleh - The Twelve Constellations\\n**talk**\\n8) Vargr - FTW 4\\n\\nLive every Tuesday at 9pm ET on BostonFreeRadio.com'