#473 - 04-20-21

Published: April 25, 2021, 5:33 p.m.

b"Show #473 - Recorded live on April 20, 2021\\n\\nSpecial background music from Melkor's Spell - Songs from Forgotten Ancient Times\\nmelkorsspell.bandcamp.com/album/songs-from-forgotten-ancient-times\\n\\n**Playlist**\\n1) Spectral Wound - Soul Destroying Black Debauchery\\n2) Odal - .\\u200b.\\u200b.\\u200bum Ewiges zu schaffen\\n3) Anael - Sophia\\n4) Weakling - Cut Their Grain And Place Fire Therein\\n**talk**\\n5) Black Howling - O Sangue e a Terra Pt. II\\n6) Human Serpent - Vomiting the Herds\\n7) Decoherence - Equilibrium Unreached\\n**talk**\\n8) Gra\\u030ainheim - Finstersucht\\n\\nLive every Tuesday at 9pm EST on BostonFreeRadio.com"