#352 - 11-27-18

Published: Dec. 31, 2018, 4:36 a.m.

b'Show #352\\nRecorded live on November 27, 2018\\n\\n**Playlist**\\n1) Death Vanish - Bloodless Fog (of my mind)\\n2) Wald Krypta - To Die in Honour...\\n3) K.F.R - In my Dreams of Morbidity\\n4) Knokkelklang - Urstanken\\n**talk**\\n5) Cantique L\\xe9preux - Le Feu Secret\\n6) Permafrost - Praise Death\\n7) Andeis - Wintrus hailagaizos aggwi\\xfeos\\n**talk**\\n8) Death Karma - Egypt - Pharaohs\\n\\nLive every Tuesday at 9pm EST on BostonFreeRadio.com'