Josh Dudman PhD

Published: Oct. 25, 2018, 5:01 p.m.

Josh Dudman (HHMI Janelia) discusses his model of how the basal ganglia shape performance based on prior experience by controlling the gain of movement kinematics. The group considers this history-dependent gain computation model alongside the traditional action selection model.

Duration: 43 minutes

Discussants:(in alphabetical order)
Juan Morales (PhD student, UTSA)
Salma Quraishi (Research Asst Prof, UTSA)
Denard Simmons (Postdoc, UTSA)
Todd Troyer (Assoc Prof, UTSA)
Matt Wanat (Asst Prof, UTSA)
Charles Wilson (Ewing Halsell Chair, UTSA)

acknowledgement: JM Tepper for original music.