How Following your Soul's Journey & the Keys to Success with Million Dollar Earner Tara Romano

Published: Feb. 10, 2020, noon



Hold on tight for this one MLM Champs because this episode left me WILDLY inspired to UNLEASH some goodness for you today!

* In this episode we got to hear from NWM million dollar earner, creator of the Tone & Tease workouts and founder of her YOUR LIFE UNLEASHED event, right here in my home of NJ! Tara Romano.

I\'m not fully sure what type of MAGIC tara has but I literally had chills the whole time listening to her.
If you\'re looking for the "Secret Sauce" behind Tara\'s Success... we drop it here.

She\'s going to break it down to 3 simple things that\'s played a major role in where she\'s at today.. AND...she\'s got the KEY to letting go of doubt, worrying and playing that old comparison game that we all know too well!
I\'m so excited for you to get to learn from this COMMUNITY Building QUEEN.. and I want to know your BIGGEST takeaways once you\'re done listening, bc I have least 7!

I truly hope you enjoy this episode as much as I did... so get excited because - This is where we build\\u2026 Network Marketing Champions!
