Episode 51: Lady Killer is coming to Netflix

Published: June 18, 2021, 5 a.m.

b"In this episode, your nerdy hosts kick off their 3rd year by talking Dark Horse title Lady Killer; a story about an ordinary 60's housewife Josie Schuller who isn't quite so ordinary as you discover she's leading a secret life as an assassin for hire.\\xa0 In a first for them; Melissa and Jarrad discuss fairly recent news with the announcement of Lady Killer coming to Netflix being produced by and starring Blake Lively.\\xa0 Melissa and Jarrad also do a brief overview of the 2 volumes discussing some of their favorite scenes in the books and gush over their love for artist/writer Joelle Jones's art. The episode is brought to a close by fan casting a Lady Killer film had it been filmed back when the story takes place; back in 1962/1963.\\xa0 Have you read Lady Killer? Are you excited for the Netflix film? Who did Melissa and Jarrad pick to play Josie? Download and find out!\\n\\xa0\\nPodcast Social MediaFacebook - Nerdnited Nations PodcastTwitter - @NerdnitedPodInstagram - @nerdnitednationspodcastEmail - nerdnitednationspodcast@gmail.com\\nMelissaTwitter/Instagram \\xa0- @missmelissan25\\xa0 \\xa0 \\xa0 \\xa0 \\xa0 \\xa0- @scribblesofawannabedrawer\\nJarrad\\xa0Twitter/Instagram - @QCA_Mista_J"