Advocacy Marketing

Published: May 10, 2022, 1:08 p.m.


Case studies, testimonials and recommendations are all about one thing... advocacy marketing. 


Advocacy Marketing plan (Inspired by Paul Rand, author of Harnessing the Power of Word of Mouth)  


1. Understand where and how your brand, and your competitors\\u2019 brands, are talked about and recommended 


2. Articulate your shareable story in simple, conversational language, with a clear, single call to action 


3. Ensure everyone in your business is aligned, aware and uniformly using it 


4. Discover and activate your micro-influencers, those people whose recommendations influence purchase decisions 


5. Compel and Engage with the 80/20 Rule: 80% engagement and relationship building with influencers, 20% actively sharing the content 


6. Neutralise the detractors, monitor traction of detracting messages and understand the reach before engaging with the detractor 


7. Measure progress with clear KPIs, monitor and assess, continuously tune and improve 


8. Share the success across the business and repeat  


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