Published: Aug. 27, 2019, 10:46 p.m.

\\n\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\tWelcome to Episode 23 of Navigating the Fustercluck\\u2014a podcast full of snackable insights to help you navigate the topsy/turvy world of creativity.\\xa0My name is Wegs, like eggs with a W, joining you from Deaf Mule Studios in Dallas, and no matter what aspect of the creative world that interests you, this episode is for you. Especially the majority of you are neglecting the fact that you have to feed and water yourself. Yep, ya gotta feed and water yourself.\\xa0The Grind\\xa0If there\\u2019s one thing that we can all agree on, it\\u2019s that while it can be crazy fun, working in the creative world can also chew you up and spit you out. The pressure to produce, the timelines, the hours, crazy clients, crazy co-workers, crazy bosses…There\\u2019s a whole lot of crazy going on. And I think it\\u2019s getting worse. Why is that?\\xa0Technology\\xa0When we talk about technology, it\\u2019s usually about how much easier it makes our lives. And that\\u2019s the case in creativity. But not always. Sure, designing and editing have been transformed by computers. But now those you answer to know that you can make more adjustments. They want more options. More detail. (Hell, comps todays are basically ready to go out as is.) And finally, they want it yesterday. Where once the creatives held the magic, today, technology does.\\xa0Shamans & Magicians\\xa0Once upon a time, creatives were regarded as possessing some sort of magical, mystical powers. They were considered shamans and magicians. (Some even gave themselves god-like status.) Whatever their status, they were given ample time to concept and craft their ideas. Then came technology. And the game became less\\xa0mystified and more became expected. Not a bad thing, necessarily. That is until nitpicking, indecision and ego created delay after delay. And a fraying of confidence and order. That\\u2019s not the fault of computers, that\\u2019s the fault of people. People supposedly leading the process, not throwing themselves down on the timeline as human speed bumps. It continues to this day.\\xa0Media\\xa0With more media, we need more content. And in real-time. That means we need that content, faster. And faster. And faster. And we need it all coordinated from medium to medium. Often with multiple agencies. Not an easy task.\\xa0Can\\u2019t Go Back to Future\\xa0We\\u2019re not going to create more time by going back in time. OK? Times have changed and going back to the old ways ain\\u2019t goin\\u2019 to happen. We can\\u2019t simply demand more time to work. Nor should we. We\\u2019re going to have to create time within the deadlines we already have.\\xa0Project Management\\xa0One way to save time is not to waste time. To move the process along as smoothly as possible. No holding onto information longer than necessary. No left out requirements or misinformation that costs precious time. This requires better communication, better processes and people who are good- make that great- at preserving controlled chaos. And it will be chaotic at times. It\\u2019s the job of these master cat-herders to keep as much momentum as possible going.\\xa0Overthink\\xa0Often we don\\u2019t trust ourselves enough. We don\\u2019t know when to stop. Creative development falls victim to this all the time. If we don\\u2019t know how to edit our thoughts and to recognize great ideas when they\\u2019re staring us in the face, we lose time.\\xa0Collaboration\\xa0When it comes to collaboration, the equation should add up to 1+1=3. People getting together to make something greater than the sum of its parts. When performed properly, I\\u2019d contend that by adding the right people, you can save more time. Listen to the earlier episodes on collaboration to hear more on why that is.\\xa0It\\u2019s About Time\\xa0As Technology magnet and NBA owner, Mark Cuban, says…\\xa0Time is the most valuable asset you DON\\u2019T own. You may or may not realize it yet, but how you use or don\\u2019t use your time is going to be the best indication of where your future is going to take you.\\xa0To be more successful,'