13 Days of Halloween Day 2: The Yellow Wallpaper

Published: Oct. 21, 2020, 2 a.m.

Continuing the glimpse into scary things, check out today’s excerpt about a young woman dealing with her nervous condition. Is she seeing things that aren’t really there? Or is there more to her “condition”? If you want to unravel the difference between imaginary and real confinements, I highly recommend reading the entire short story!


Published by Project Gutenberg as part of the public domain: https://www.gutenberg.org/files/1952/1952-h/1952-h.htm 

Excerpt Narrated by Erin Robertson: https://www.erin-robertson.com

Connect with her on Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, and Podcasts!


I do not own the copyright or production rights of the book or audiobook, this excerpt has been presented for entertainment purposes only. Please refer to the above information for any permissions.