Innovation in Office Sector Only Going to Accelerate Post-COVID

Published: July 30, 2020, 5:12 p.m.

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The innovation trend that emerged in the office sector prior to the coronavirus is only going to accelerate as organizations adapt to changes in how workplaces operate in a post-pandemic environment, according to Julie Whelan, head of occupier research for the Americas at CBRE. Whelan told the REIT Report July 24 that innovation will be accelerated in large part by the success of the remote work model during the crisis. “The office is now becoming just one place among a network of locations where work gets done, so of course the role of it is going to accordingly change,” she said. Prior to COVID, organizations were moving to models that were less hierarchical, less routine- driven, and more project-driven—all of which requires collaboration, Whelan said. Going forward, the conflict between the need for collaboration and increased remote working will spur innovation in terms of the tools and technology that are used every day, and how physical workspaces tie the physical and digital together to drive seamless interaction, she noted.