Episode LAROSE Mach 1

Published: Feb. 14, 2010, 8:50 p.m.

After much hype and ballyhoo, we finally get to talk to John Ducey’s OBF (Old Best Friend), Chris LaRose.

We have been talking up Chris quite a bit to this date, so does he deliver the goods?  Not so much.  Why is that?  A surprising, dramatic reveal half-way through the episode will explain all! 

Chris we love you, but you talk very slowly after six beers.  OK that was the dramatic reveal, Chris had been drinking.   Not all that surprising after all.

Enjoy the triangle-challenged Chris LaRose, everyone, if you can.

Next episode, we are back to a new and exciting NBF candidate!

Music, as always, by the wonderful Louden Swain…  Check them out at www.loudenswain.com