Episode 1 - Robbie Benedict

Published: Nov. 22, 2009, 10:31 p.m.

John Ducey, television actor and fake father of the Jonas Brothers, lost his best friend when his childhood buddy Chris moved from LA. So with the help of moderator Greg Rice, John has conversations with not-best-friends in an attempt to find a New Best Friend. We start strong. In the opener, we welcome good-but-not-best-friend Robbie Benedict (aka Chuck Shurley from the CW's "Supernatural"). Robbie's band also supplies the intro-outro music for the show. Thanks to Louden Swain for the song "Better" from their new album, A Brand New Hurt. To hear the song with words, and lots of other great music, to www.loudenswain.com or search for Louden Swain on iTunes. Comments, questions, suggestions for New Best Friends? email NewBestFriend@gmail.com