Were Back!

Published: Aug. 18, 2021, 9 a.m.


Welcome to Season 3 of the My Divine Life Podcast! I am so glad to have you here with me today for this return for a better than ever season. One thing that has not changed is that we empower ourselves with enough courage to divinely design every aspect of our lives the way that God purposed it to be.\\xa0


It has been a while since Season 2 ended abruptly and if you\\u2019ve been following on social media, you\\u2019ll know why. Through the ups and downs of the last several months, I\\u2019m ready to share my truth and move forward with the amazing community of friends, family, followers, and listeners. Thank you for being here and let\\u2019s get started!

Show Notes:

[0:52] - Jameelah has encountered big shifts in her life starting in February of this year.

[2:03] - Having met siblings she did not know she had, Jameelah knows she has needed them in her life.

[3:15] - She describes her fear of moving forward with a divorce and the courage she needed to do so.

[5:25] - When you\\u2019re making a big decision and it is scary, you have to move. If you allow idle time, you will allow others to impact your decision.

[7:01] - When we share our story, it helps the next person.

[8:13] - There are not always a lot of resources readily available to navigate through the death of a marriage.

[9:29] - Although it was hard, Jameelah is proud of her decision to leave.

[11:01] - The goal of this podcast moving forward is to provide tools.

[11:56] - Season 3 will bring us back to the CASE method.

[14:34] - Thank you for rallying behind Jameelah during this challenging time.

[15:07] - Jameelah dedicates this episode and her transformation to her mother.

[16:44] - Jameelah reads a letter that she wrote to her mother.

[18:45] - Although currently happily living her life, Jameelah does take time to reflect on the difficulty of the last few months.

[19:58] - Jameelah thanks the people in her life that have helped her through challenges.

Links and Resources:
