Watch Your Mouth

Published: Nov. 30, 2022, 8:59 p.m.


It\'s not cute to talk badly about ourselves. If we wouldn\'t tear a stranger down with really critical words, why would we do it to ourselves? In today\'s episode, I discuss how to stand in your greatness and stop all that negative self-talk. I haven\'t always been kind to myself. But when I learned that the subconscious mind\'s job is to make our thoughts reality, I realized I needed to be more mindful of my thoughts about myself, my business and relationships. So, listen to today\'s episode to hear ways that you can learn how to watch your mouth when talking to yourself.


Show Notes:

[1:00] - It\'s critical to tell ourselves to "watch your mouth" when we talk to ourselves.

[4:30] - Jameelah challenges us to be mindful of the adverse things we say to ourselves everyday.

[6:55] - Recounting her past negative self-talk, Jameelah reflects on how she now loves herself like she loves others.

[9:00] - Seeking great things is the purest form of God.

[11:37] - When she finds herself wanting to be negative with herself Jameelah tries to be mindful and give herself grace.

[15:00] - Sometimes we get agitated when we hear things that aren\'t in alignment with what we know -- or think we know our reality to be.

[17:20] - Being spiritually grounded helps Jameelah\'s subconscious mind and conscious mind become aligned.

[20:00] - Our subconscious mind is like a task minded employee, it just follows your directions to a T without any form of critical thinking.\\xa0

[23:11] - If there is a specific outcome you want, and it aligns with the will of God, it\'s going to happen.

[25:28] - Our brains are wired to operate in the past, it\'s a bank of memories that our mind and body uses to protect us from danger.

[28:12] - Speaking like the person you want to be and believing you deserve good things can help manifest that into reality.

[32:00] - It\'s not the things Jameelah has that has made her life great. It was her speaking optimistically to herself and God inserting those things into her path to give her the life she wanted.

[35:02] - Making change is going to be uncomfortable, but it\'s so necessary to get the life you want.

[37:03] - Jameelah reads excerpts from her journals from a time when she was full of negative self-talk.

[39:25] - God has a purpose for our lives but He\'s not going to take us to the next level until we\'ve learned the lessons.

[41:55] - Jameelah reads excerpts from her journals from a time after she had started having a positive mindset.

[46:00] - Even if she\'s going through some tough times, Jameelah can still see God is still giving her great things.


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