The Shell

Published: Sept. 24, 2020, 9 a.m.


Welcome back, Party People! Let\\u2019s continue our deep dive into the CASE Method today with step three: The Shell. Please be sure to listen to the first few episodes of this podcast if you have not done so already. Those episodes outline the first steps in the CASE method and you need to be familiar with those before you learn more about The Shell.


The Shell is all about surrounding yourself with people that support you and build you up. Remember The Anchors from last week\\u2019s episode? If these people in your shell do not reflect your anchors, they have got to go! This is a difficult but necessary step to take to better your life and propel yourself forward.


We empower ourselves with enough courage to divinely design every aspect of our lives the way God intended. You have the power of choice and through that power of choice, you can truly divine the life that you love.

Show Notes:

[1:00] - We design the shell around the Anchors. The people in our shell need to complement and match your anchors.

[1:55] - It is great to be the one to set examples, but who is setting examples for you and strengthening your anchors?

[2:17] - We need to be very strategic in selecting people for our shell that won\\u2019t be a one-sided relationship and that really support you.

[2:33] - In the design world, the shell elements like wallpaper, all need to complement the sofa or whatever anchors are in the room.

[3:04] - If God is the center of your life, then the people around you need to reflect that.

[4:50] - Sometimes people who are in your life that aren\\u2019t good for your shell really just have some growing to do themselves. But sometimes, it is important to remove people out of your life.

[5:44] - Once Jameelah had the courage to cut some people off or put up some real deal boundaries, she started to see a major shift.

[6:28] - Jameelah always aspires for more that strengthen her anchors and if the people around her bring her down or don\\u2019t want the same things for her, it becomes counterproductive.

[7:27] - You don\\u2019t need people who constantly take in your life. You need to have the courage to put these boundaries up.

[8:03] - Just because you\\u2019ve had someone in your life for a long time, does not mean that they need to stay. In design, just because you\\u2019ve had a piece of furniture since you were college, doesn\\u2019t mean it needs to stay.

[9:16] - Let go of the leechers and the users. You need people who are around for the good things and the bad.

[10:00] - If you have certain people in your life for specific aspects of your life, they are associates, not friends.

[12:06] - Jameelah prayed for good friends and she has seen that some strong women have come into her life and friendships are developing.

[12:40] - In design, what is behind the walls is just as important as what is in front of it. If something on the inside of the walls goes wrong, the shell will help keep it together.

[13:30] - If a pipe bursts in your life, who is there to help you piece things back together?

[14:50] - Just like in sports where teams are drafting the perfect team, you have to select the right people to create your dream team that will add value to your life.

[15:20] - Why is it that the most giving people are surrounded by leeches? This happens so often. The most giving people are sometimes the biggest problem. Why do you have this overwhelming need to be needed?

[17:09] - Jameelah grew up having people that always looked up to her and praised her on a pedestal she didn\\u2019t ask to be on. She learned a big lesson when she discovered that she wasn\\u2019t the best.

[18:31] - It is important to always be outside of your comfort zone and change is uncomfortable.

[19:02] - It is also important to make sure you are surrounding yourself with people who can teach you something and to show you what is possible. This makes you strive for more.

[20:10] - Jameelah shares a story about how she took a class and realized that she had a lot of changes to make in her business. She had thought she was doing great, but the class taught her that she wasn\\u2019t.

[21:55] - This class inspired her and motivated her to adjust and make changes. It made her see what was possible.

[24:08] - It is always shocking to Jameelah that people pass up amazing opportunities to grow and better themselves.

[25:03] - Being in rooms with people who could teach her something, really propelled Jameelah forward. But she couldn\\u2019t play it safe to be able to see more.

[26:30] - How are you going to build anything if you are placing a block down and someone is taking them off the bottom?

[27:02] - This is a difficult step because you don\\u2019t want to lose people, but sometimes these comfortable people are not adding value to your life and you are not adding value to theirs.

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