The Self Determination Theory with Maura Chanz

Published: Nov. 4, 2020, 10 a.m.


\\u201cI am fixed in my result, but I am fluid in my process.\\u201d This quote by my dear friend Maura Chanz perfectly sums up today\\u2019s episode. Party People, you do not want to miss hearing about Maura\\u2019s amazing journey and how her faith in God\\u2019s plan for her has led her to take the necessary risks to pursue her dream. I met Maura about ten years ago at Spelman College. I am so blessed to watch her journey and am so proud of her accomplishments.\\xa0


Maura began her career as a professional child actress at the age of 13 and knew she wanted to be in the entertainment industry. Throughout her journey, she has earned a B.A. in Comparative Women\\u2019s Studies and Writing from Spelman College, she worked as a co-star on Bossip\\u2019s WEtv, and served as an apprentice to Mara Brock Akil. Today, Maura can be found in Los Angeles as a creative producer and consultant.


Listen to find out how Maura got her start and how she ended up where she is now. She gives us such inspiration and actionable steps to help you guide yourself on your own beautiful journey.


Show Notes:

[1:16] - Maura has gotten to see Jameelah\\u2019s journey for the last ten years as Jameelah did her hair for her first pageant as a freshman.

[2:06] - Maura was a child actor and when she went to Spelman College she was led to get into producing.

[3:09] - When Maura was given the opportunity to lead a project while attending Spelman College, the experience of being in a leadership position lit a fire under her.

[4:20] - Attending Spelman was a stepping stone for Maura as she relocated back to Los Angeles when she finished school to pursue a career in entertainment.

[4:32] - Maura says, \\u201cI am fixed in my result but I\\u2019m fluid in my process.\\u201d

[5:30] - In regards to her career, Maura always knew the entertainment industry would be where she\\u2019d end up. But she originally thought she would be more frontward facing.

[8:21] - During some uncertainty with how to move forward with a career in entertainment, Maura started leaning in with some skills she already had in graphic design and used this as a content creator. This led to some connections and was able to land an on-camera position.

[9:52] - As great as an opportunity as this was and how much she enjoyed the experience, Maura always felt that it wasn\\u2019t the right fit yet.

[10:15] - At The Essence Festival, she ran into a connection that she felt was a fateful meeting. She was offered the opportunity to become an apprentice.

[11:18] - She took the leap and applied for this apprentice position and she got the job to begin immediately after her previous contract ended.

[12:43] - She moved to LA and has been there ever since.

[13:18] - Maura was let go from this position after some time, but was now stuck in LA. After praying and getting creative with freelance content creation, she got the opportunity to work for Yara Shahidi.

[16:08] - At this point, Maura discovered that being front and center wasn\\u2019t her plan anymore. She says, \\u201cYou make a plan and God laughs at it.\\u201d

[17:26] - Maura admits that the move to LA was a huge risk and a tremendous pay cut.

[18:54] - Jameelah says to \\u201cstay in the boat\\u201d because it is all for a reason.

[19:42] - God knew that Maura could handle the leap and presented the opportunities to her. There is a combination of faith and responsibility.

[20:41] - It is not always about the money. You have to see the value in the opportunity.

[22:16] - At the end of the day, Maura knew she could go get a job if this opportunity didn\\u2019t work out. She didn\\u2019t have anyone not support her decision because she was so confident and strong in her choice.

[24:22] - In regards to dealing with doubt and negativity from others is to be mindful of who you have in your life. Sometimes you will go on a journey alone and that\\u2019s okay.

[25:36] - If you are drawn to an opportunity and you feel strongly that God is guiding you to something, see the vision through regardless of who is cheering you on.

[27:16] - You have to ask for what you need. No one is going to just give it to you. Anyone who offers things you need without asking is a bonus and should not be expected.

[28:38] - When Maura needed help and reached out for it, she realized how many people believed in her and wanted to pour love and support back into her.

[30:50] - Being proud of someone is a really euphoric moment. Seeing someone you know pursue their dreams and see success is amazing.

[32:34] - The journey is not linear. There are many ups and downs. Don\\u2019t let the tough moments cause you to give up.

[33:47] - Jameelah and Maura discuss the Self Determination Theory in Tribalism. In the Self Determination Theory, you need three things to be content: a skillset to contribute to the world, autonomy to be who you are, and a community to support you.

[35:10] - The three pillars of the Self Determination Theory has made Maura\\u2019s journey easier because she knows she has the skills and the people to support her.

[36:07] - The Self Determination Theory is a great starting point for a life audit.

[37:00] - Maura is a big believer in constant growth and change. She does her own progress reports in a journal that audits herself.

[38:52] - Maura keeps a daily 5 minute journal. She spends 3 minutes in the morning to start her day in a place of gratitude. In the evening, she spends 2 minutes writing down what her day was like. She always checks in with herself in this way daily.

[41:23] - These life audits don\\u2019t have to be complicated. Start with what you have and start small.\\xa0


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