The Enhancements

Published: Sept. 30, 2020, 9 a.m.


Party People, you know what time it is! It is time to talk about the fourth and final step of the CASE Method: The Enhancements. Now, before we get started, please make sure you go back and listen to the previous episodes of this podcast before starting this one. We\\u2019ve been rolling out the CASE Method since episode 1 and it has been a soul-snatching experience. You do not want to miss out on the first three steps, which will definitely become apparent during this episode. So meet us back here when you\\u2019re done and you\\u2019re ready for the final step!


Here at the My Divine Life Podcast, we empower ourselves with enough courage to divinely design every aspect of our lives the way God intended. You have the power of choice and through that power of choice, you can truly divine the life that you love.

Show Notes:

[1:01] - Jameelah gives a quick overview of the CASE method steps: Consultation, Anchors, Shell, and today\\u2019s focus, the Enhancements.

[1:26] - In design, the enhancements are the things everyone is excited about. These are the beautiful things you see in magazines and on Pinterest. In essence, they are the finishing touches.

[2:26] - If you skip the previous steps, the enhancements don\\u2019t bring you fulfilment. In the end they become just another source of stress.

[3:57] - Jameelah recommends that when you are given these seemingly amazing opportunities, you need to take the time to do a life audit to make sure you have your anchors and shell solid first.

[4:43] - What is the point of the enhancements when your shell is weak and you aren\\u2019t surrounded by people who are happy for you? It is depressing when the only person that is happy for you is yourself.

[5:04] - You deserve a circle of people who lift you up and want to see you succeed.

[6:07] - Build your success and your wealth, but Jameelah wants you to enjoy it. There are a lot of wealthy people in the world that are unhappy. The enhancements have to come after the first three steps of this method.

[6:46] - When Jameelah says to be grounded financially, she means that you need to have financial literacy and discipline at whatever stage of wealth you are in.\\xa0

[8:27] - Retrain your mind into seeing the lesson to be learned in the midst of turmoil. This is an essential life skill.

[9:16] - Enhancements are not meant to be essential and anchors. Having a nice car or a nice house cannot be the focal point of your life. They only enhance your foundations and should not be your priority.

[10:12] - This episode is short because enhancements aren\\u2019t the focus. Jameelah clarifies that enhancements aren\\u2019t bad. She loves them! But they are things you handle down the line.

[10:47] - In design, can the room stand on its own without the enhancements? Can it work by itself without distractions?

[11:38] - We want people to see us in full view. But Instagram, for example, is life in portrait mode with the imperfections blurred. Jameelah wants your life to be in a full wide angle view.\\xa0

[12:10] - Be a wide angle shot in a sea of close-ups.


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