My Divine Life

Published: Sept. 2, 2020, 9 a.m.


How are you designing the life that you love? Better yet, how do you divine the life that God purposed for you? In this podcast, divine is an adjective, a verb, and an integral part of who I am. I\\u2019m Jameelah Divine Davis - wife, mother of five, and a serial entrepreneur. Starting my own business at the age of 12, I\\u2019ve learned how to design a business. And through the ups and downs in my life, I\\u2019ve discovered how to use those same design strategies to divine the life that I love.\\xa0

Welcome to the first episode of My Divine Life. Using a strategy I\\u2019ve applied to my entrepreneurial endeavors, I\\u2019ll show you how this method can work in every aspect of your life. This is a safe place where you can be yourself, even if you don\\u2019t truly know who you are. This is a journey of designing your life to be what God intended it to be; a journey through my life\\u2019s stories and the stories of our guests.\\xa0

Show Notes:

[0:58] - Jameelah begins by introducing herself as a wife and mother to 5 boys, including a set of twins.

[1:37] - For the last 16 years, Jameelah has been a serial entrepreneur. At 12 years old she started her first business braiding hair.

[2:08] - She started doing hair and became a cosmetologist and makeup artist.

[2:20] - After working as a cosmetologist, she shifted her focus to being an event planner and designer. Her experience working with brides as a cosmetologist strengthened her skills in this new field.

[3:04] - Jameelah shares her story on how she became an interior designer, which started out as joking with a colleague.

[3:57] - As an entrepreneur, if there is a new opportunity, it is worth taking the risk even if you\\u2019re scared. That is what Jameelah did when she jumped into interior design.

[4:40] - The interior design business was started in September 2019 which was incredible timing since event planning was not a reliable business when Covid-19 hit a few months later.

[5:20] - Divine means \\u201cof or from God,\\u201d and Jameelah means \\u201cbeautiful.\\u201d My Divine Life means \\u201cmy life from God,\\u201d or \\u201cthe life that God wants for me.\\u201d

[6:12] - Divine is now a verb. We are here to divine the life that we love that God purposed for you.

[7:01] - Listen to the voice in your head. Move without shame. Advocate for yourself. This is how you divine the life that you love.

[7:30] - This is a safe place where you can be yourself, even if you don\\u2019t truly know who you are.

[7:50] - After losing her daughter to SIDS, Jameelah was lost.

[8:42] - She is here to show you how to pull yourself up. Grief doesn\\u2019t go anywhere. You just develop tools to work through it.

[10:27] - Jameelah\\u2019s design process is something that she takes her clients through that she not only applies to her interior design and event planning businesses, but for her own life as well.

[10:51] - The CASE design process stands for Consultation, Anchors, Shell, and Enhancements.

[11:14] - A lot of times, we just want to go straight to the enhancements. Jameelah gives examples of how skipping the first steps is detrimental.

[12:57] - We will spend a lot of time, money, and energy into getting these enhancements but when we skip steps, it\\u2019s not what we expect. We do that with life as well.

[14:37] - On social media, you show off all of your enhancements, but behind the scenes you might be crumbling.

[15:20] - Jameelah is going to dedicate an episode to each step of this process in the future, but breaks it down briefly.\\xa0

[16:08] - You can use the CASE method in business, fitness, marriage, everything. As long as you are not skipping steps, you will reach a level of fulfillment.

[16:58] - The Consultation step is key in knowing where you want to go. This creates a roadmap for you and you have to ask the right questions.

[19:30] - Anchors are what grounds you. In interior design, anchors are what ground the space and catch your eye. In life, what keeps you grounded?

[21:39] - The Shell is what surrounds you. You want to base the shell on your anchors. The people who you look up to need to be reflective of the anchors in your life.

[23:08] - Jameelah explains that enhancements are great, but you can\\u2019t have the enhancements unless the room can shine on its own first. This is applicable to life as well.

[24:47] - At the end of the day, the enhancements aren\\u2019t what us valuable.

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