Let's Catch Up

Published: Nov. 16, 2022, 9 a.m.


Welcome back to another season of the My Divine Life Podcast! It\\u2019s been a long time. About a year, actually, and a lot has happened. So in this episode, let\\u2019s get caught up.

There have been a lot of tumultuous things in my life that have caused this podcast to take a backseat. But blessings are on the horizon and my heart and God have been telling me to take this microphone back out. Over this time away, I\\u2019ve learned a lot of lessons and have a lot of things planned for its return.\\xa0

Welcome back!


Show Notes:

[0:52] - A lot has been going on since the last season of My Divine Life. God has turned things around for me.

[1:57] - There have been some tumultuous things in my life and blessings are on the horizon.

[2:59] - Married to Real Estate premiered on HGTV and we are working on season 2. The business is doing well and I got married!

[5:50] - We are not quiet about the relationships that matter the most. So, I won\\u2019t be quiet about my relationship with God. This has become even more apparent to me and the important people in my life have been showing up.

[8:08] - I recorded a few guest interview episodes several months ago that will be posted eventually.\\xa0

[9:21] - With everything going on, I also got my real estate license!

[10:51] - My service mindset has grown and I realized that it\\u2019s okay to fill your own cup when needed but follow the drive to serve.

[12:14] - My journey is my unique journey and it is only mine.

[15:30] - When starting your Bible study journey, Start with the Gospels. When you know better, you do better.

[17:08] - When I open my mouth, I want it to be something of substance.

[19:42] - It might take a long time to find your way in spirituality. This is the experience I have had and I continue to find my way.

[27:53] - The goals for the podcast moving forward are episodes every other week as I learn to pull things off of my plate.\\xa0


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