Leaving it All Behind in 2020

Published: Dec. 16, 2020, 10 a.m.


It is already that time, Party People. I am wrapping up season 1 of the My Divine Life Podcast and it has been such an amazing journey. For this episode, I\\u2019m going down the list of all the things I am leaving behind in 2020. There\\u2019s a lot that I am moving forward without weighing me down and instead of setting a new year\\u2019s resolution, I\\u2019m simply ditching the baggage.


It has been a tough year for us all and for some it has been absolutely devastating. It is my hope and in my prayers that 2021 is a better year and we are on the track to normalcy. So take a listen to what I\\u2019m leaving behind and make a list of what you don\\u2019t want to bring with you into 2021.


Show Notes:

[1:17] - It is Jameelah\\u2019s prayer that we have all learned something this year through all of the things we\\u2019ve struggled through.

[2:21] - One thing that Jameelah is leaving behind in 2020 is non-reciprocal relationships. She is feeling very \\u201cdone\\u201d with one sided relationships.

[3:32] - Another thing she is leaving in 2020 is the word \\u201cbougie.\\u201d We need to normalize luxury and feeling good about our own success and material earnings.

[4:58] - She is also leaving behind the phrase \\u201cI am better than you.\\u201d Jameelah has flipped the phrase to mean that she is better, but she\\u2019s better than she was yesterday, last month, last year, etc.

[5:36] - People pleasing and client pleasing is something else Jameelah isn\\u2019t going to obsess over next year.

[6:53] - We need to stop apologizing for charging what we\\u2019re worth and instead charge more than we\\u2019re worth and rise to occasion to meet it.

[7:14] - Another thing we are leaving behind in 2020 are people who shame us for wanting more.

[9:27] - Jameelah wants to use what she has learned this year to mentor others and move forward in reaching for better.

[10:05] - Diets are also off the list for Jameelah in 2021. She\\u2019s leaving body image issues in 2020. You should only make a change if you want it for yourself.

[11:42] - We have been conditioned to believe the negative things about ourselves and develop poor body image and we tend to ignore those who are praising us.

[12:54] - We need to move forward with the understanding that it is an audience of one. It is just you and God and no one else matters.

[13:48] - A lot of people are going through a hard time. But it will pass.

[14:27] - Take the time to dwell on the lessons from 2020 instead of the tragedies or try to find the lesson within the tragedy.

[15:36] - Doing better in 2021 is not a new year\\u2019s resolution.

[16:48] - 2021 may not look normal, but Jameelah\\u2019s hope is that normalcy is on its way.


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