High VIbrations

Published: Feb. 25, 2021, 10 a.m.


Let\\u2019s talk about keeping our vibrations high today. I know, it is such a buzz word right now, especially on social media. Because of that, I think it is important to take a step back and think about what it really means to be high vibing.\\xa0


Listen, life has been quite a doozy for me lately and keeping those vibrations high isn\\u2019t always easy. But I know, through journaling and meditation, that the things happening in my life are necessary for me to level up in life. My future self is counting on me and through complete transparency, we\\u2019re in this together. This episode is all about what it means to have a high vibration, how to journal your way into finding that vibration, and how to maneuver through painful life lessons.

Show Notes:

[0:56] - Jameelah can\\u2019t share exactly the things that have been happening in her life but can share that she has gotten a lot of bad news, good news, and worse news lately.

[1:44] - At the current moment, Jameelah isn\\u2019t sure if she has really good emotional stamina or if she is in shock and doesn\\u2019t know how to process.

[2:30] - Although going through a hard time, Jameelah feels that she has gained a new and stronger sense of confidence through handling recent events.

[3:37] - Jameelah journaled about three weeks ago about maneuvering through high and low vibrations and feels that God was really listening to prepare her for recent events in her life.

[4:48] - We have to start leaning into our intuition, which is God\\u2019s voice. We have to learn to trust ourselves and that gut feeling.

[6:13] - Having a high vibration doesn\\u2019t mean that you\\u2019re happy all the time. Regardless of what you see on social media, you have to understand that your vibration is wholly determined by you.

[7:03] - Jameelah describes an actionable journaling exercise to do right now to understand that love is the center of everything.

[8:15] - High vibration is simply a choice without lowering your boundaries.

[9:14] - Things that happen in lower vibrations are usually attacks and oftentimes they are confused with lessons. Jameelah explains what this means and how to tell the difference.

[10:17] - God never exists in a low vibration. Lessons are not attacks. They come to help you grow. God needs you to learn a specific lesson to get you ready to get to the next level in your life.

[12:24] - In her recent grief, Jameelah explains that she had to take a moment to commune with God. He made it abundantly clear that her experience is necessary in her growth and she needs to respect it.

[13:10] - Jameelah compares self-care and high vibrations to a machine performing at its optimal performance.

[14:37] - Jameelah describes her journaling and meditation process.

[16:38] - Sometimes Jameelah\\u2019s journal entries do not make sense and sometimes they are eloquent. When you have a lot on your mind, just getting it out is the most important thing to clear your mind.

[17:50] - Through meditating, Jameelah saw her future self and journaled about her experience.\\xa0

[18:44] - Jameelah shares her journal entry to demonstrate that it is not always coherent. It is a reflection of how she feels in the moment of writing and necessary to clear her head.

[19:19] - Throughout future episodes, Jameelah plans to share journal entries.

[19:58] - Our future self should be the highest version of ourselves. Our decisions sometimes chip away at us but it is our job to make sure that the person we are meant to be arrives.

[20:49] - Jameelah is confident that God is calling her to be completely transparent so others, including you, feel like you are not alone and can work through life together.

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