Five Mindset Shifts to Completely Uplevel Your Business

Published: Oct. 28, 2020, 9 a.m.


Let\\u2019s make a shift today. We\\u2019ve been discussing some really deep topics lately and need a breather! So, Party People, let\\u2019s talk about our businesses. I know not everyone listening is currently an entrepreneur, but this episode is still for you. We\\u2019re talking about mindset shifts that will completely uplevel your business and no matter what your business is, these mindsets are important.\\xa0


Don\\u2019t forget that at My Divine Life Podcast, we empower ourselves with enough courage to divinely design every aspect of our lives the way God proposed it to be. I want to see you succeed, so let\\u2019s get started!


Show Notes:

[1:14] - Jameelah reminds us that she has been an entrepreneur since she was a child, starting her business at 12 years old. She started her own business in hair styling and worked in that business till she was 25.

[2:03] - When Jameelah shifted her focus from being a hairstylist, she had discovered that she had lost a lot of the key components of owning her own business.\\xa0

[2:58] - Do not let your lack of education hold you back from pursuing your dream of owning a business. Unless your dream job requires a certification or specific educational background, you will learn more on the job than through debt building degrees.

[3:50] - The first mindset shift Jameelah discusses is to not be a \\u201cjack of all trades and a master of none.\\u201d You have to delegate.

[6:11] - If you aren\\u2019t delegating and you are doing tasks that someone else can do, you are not spending your valuable time on the important parts of your business.

[7:12] - Clients know that if you are spread too thin, you will not produce the quality of service they expect you to produce.

[8:29] - You will never earn the amount of money you are capable of earning without a team. It sounds crazy because you are paying someone to do work for you, but the cost is worth it for the growth of your business.

[10:17] - If it is something you are not talented or knowledgeable in, you will spend more time and money through trial and error than just hiring someone who knows what they\\u2019re doing.\\xa0

[10:58] - The second mindset shift to uplevel your business is not being afraid to lose people. You have to be okay that people might leave and you are the captain of this ship.

[12:21] - Regardless of what is happening, you are responsible for your business. Be slow to hire and quick to fire and always show up.

[13:25] - In Jameelah\\u2019s experience, when she hires personal friends, it doesn\\u2019t always work out for the business or the friendship.

[13:51] - The third mindset that Jameelah offers is \\u201cyou have to be the face of your business.\\u201d You don\\u2019t want to hide behind your computer.

[16:06] - One of the biggest factors in a client\\u2019s decision to hire you is how easily they can relate and connect with you.

[16:20] - Number 4 is: You are not for everybody and that is okay. This is in reference to your niche.

[18:22] - Once Jameelah and her business partner discovered their target audience as primarily black women in a specific age and affluence range, they grew their business.

[20:30] - The fifth mindset shift from Jameelah is \\u201cdon\\u2019t be raggety; get some rest.\\u201d You have to recharge!

[21:21] - Upleveling her business was possible when Jameelah was getting adequate rest. Working more doesn\\u2019t necessarily mean you\\u2019ll get more accomplished.

[22:56] - It is a non-negotiable act of self care to get adequate rest.

[24:48] - Jameelah\\u2019s business growth has been aligned with these mindset shifts and would love to see you implement these strategies to see success in your own business.


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