986 Jeff Wilser, author, "The Maxims of Manhood"

Published: Sept. 7, 2018, 8:41 p.m.

If you’re old enough to remember dumbass books such as Real Men Don’t Eat Quiche—or my own —then you know there have been a lot of cheap attempts to make money off the good nature of good men. But not by Jeff Wilser. This guy actually knows what he’s talking about. The author of The Maxims of Manhood: 100 Rules Every Real Man Must Live By gives us life instructions that are more practical than anything handed down since Hef wrote the Playboy Philosophy. (I think it’s just an odd coincidence that Wilser’s book title has he word “maxim” in it, since nothing useful ever came out of the magazine of that name.) Here's a good example, Maxim #21: Use every four-letter word but one. Classy, huh? Jeff Wilser • • • •