800 Rob Sachs, podcaster, author, "What Would Rob Do?"

Published: Feb. 17, 2018, 5:59 p.m.

Today's Guest: Rob Sachs, NPR podcast host, "What Would Rob Do," author, What Would Rob Do? Mr. Media is recorded live from the NEW new media capitol of the world and hometown of not one but two public radio stations, WMNF and WUSF… Tampa Bay, Florida! Order 'What Would Rob Do: An Irreverent Guide to Surviving Life's Daily Indignities' by clicking on the book cover above! Self-help books are okay if you don’t mind being seen reading them on planes, trains and automobiles. Personally, I think some of them shout “Loser!” ROB SACHS podcast excerpt: "Embarrassing things like being called up on stage for a Karaoke Night are going to happen. You can either be." And now that I’ve probably turned off half of our audience, I’ll go on. Rob Sachs takes a different approach to teaching you something you don’t already know or understand. On his National Public Radio podcast, “What Would Rob Do?” — now in its fifth year — Sachs tackles the big challenges of the day, such as “What would you do if you clogged the toilet at a friend’s house?” Oh, the horrors of that one. Or consider an example from his show, in which he researched how to successfully eat hot peppers. His podcast is a success so Rob Sachs did what anyone would do: he wrote a book. Just out in bookstores everywhere is What Would Rob Do? Rob Sachs • • • • • •