451 Larry Thomas, actor, "The Soup Nazi" on "Seinfeld"

Published: March 18, 2017, 2:21 p.m.

(UPDATED JULY 5, 2015: When I discovered the original audio player for this interview with actor Larry Thomas no longer played correctly, I went digging in my audio archives, found the original from June 8, 2007 and upgraded the entire track. But it sounded a little funky. I looked again and there was a SECOND interview with Thomas from two weeks later, June 22, 2007. Then I hit me -- the audio recording the first time was terrible and Larry kindly agreed to a do-over. But with improvements in technology, I unintentionally rescued the first interview. You can now hear both; the first is Mr. Media Episode #32, from June 8, 2007, and the second, Mr. Media Episode #33, from June 22, 2007. And thanks again to Larry Thomas for being such a good sport -- and one of Mr. Media's first podcast interview guests!)