133 J.D. Biersdorfer, technology columnist, The New York Times

Published: Jan. 18, 2014, 10:04 p.m.

Today's Guest: New York Times technology columnist J.D. BIERSDORFER, author of iPAD: THE MISSING MANUAL. Watch this exclusive Mr. Media interview with New York Times technology columnist J.D. BIERSDORFER by clicking on the video player above! Mr. Media is recorded live before a studio audience that includes my own mother, who—even though she lost no time opening the iPad she received on her 75th birthday and figuring out how to use it unassisted—is always looking for a quicker route to ordering stuff from the Home Shopping Network… in the NEW new media capital of the world… and worldwide headquarters of the Home Shopping Network... St. Petersburg, Florida! Order 'iPad: The Missing Manual' by J.D. Biersdorder, available from Amazon.com in print or ebook edition by clicking on the book cover above! I’m an Apple guy. All the way back to the Apple IIc computer in 1984, I’ve been as brand loyal as it gets. I’m writing this on a desktop iMac. Behind me is an a MacBook Pro. And charging next to it is an iPhone. But I’ve never made the move to the iPad. My wife has one; she never goes anywhere without it. J.D. BIERSDORFER podcast excerpt: "I think there are a lot of things that Apple knows the iPad can do that maybe they don't publicize." My son has one; his high school mandated their use this year and I approved of the way it took 30 pounds of books and supplies off his back. And we bought my mother one for her 75th birthday and she can’t imagine how she ever got along without it. Me? I never got the fever. Still, I know how popular the iPad is and I admire its utility. That’s why I asked New York Times technologist columnist J.D. Biersdorfer to come on the show today and talk about her book, iPad: The Missing Manual, now in its 6th edition from O’Reilly. Because no matter how smart you are and how many great tricks and shortcuts you know or great apps you’ve discovered, there is always someone like J.D. who can show you one more. Can you find anything missing? J.D. Biersdorfer • • • • • • •