1085 Keith Powell, actor, "30 Rock" (2010)

Published: June 15, 2019, 8:19 p.m.

2010: Keith Powell plays 30 Rock's Toofer on the NBC sitcom. He’s one of the comedy writers on “TGS,” the show-within-the-show.His nickname refers to his position on the staff: he’s both a Harvard grad and a minority, hence a two-for-one hire for human resources. That said, however, Toofer gets no respect, no respect at all. Powell himself, however, gets plenty of respect. He founded the Contemporary Stage Company in Wilmington, Delaware, and has produced, directed or performs in plays starring Lynn Redgrave, Jasmine Guy, Keith David and Sean Patrick Thomas. KEITH POWELL podcast excerpt: "Toofer watches Judge Judy faithful. I really, really mean it! I'm a big Judge Judy fan. She reminds me of my grandmother. My grandmother was one of my parents. She says things that my grandmother used to say. And she has the mannerisms of my grandmother. A lot of people think I'm being sarcastic when I say that, but I really do love Judge Judy." Actually, Powell’s official website is pretty damn funny. To wit, here’s an excerpt from the landing page at PowellToThePeople.net: “My name is Keith Powell. I am an actor, therefore I must have a website. Because that's what important actors have. And I'm important. I'm told. “This site shall be an ode to all things me. See that picture on the right, there? Me. Click on Photos. Lots of me. Bio? Me me me. Videos? All things starring me. Contact? Why, e-mail me, of course. “If you see anyone else on this site, let me know because it should only be about me.” There’s more, but you’ll have to find it yourself. (Don’t miss the raging debate on his bio page about whether his ass is tight—or not.) “30 Rock,” which airs Thursdays at 8:30 p.m., is now in its fifth season of tweaking the Peacock network and now its new owner, Cabletown. It’s full of inside TV, media and pop culture gags and who doesn’t love that? Keith Powell • •