1079 Aaron Hart, singer, Love Stallion, live performances

Published: May 22, 2019, 2:20 a.m.

2019: Watching the Denver-based band Love Stallion takes me back to the 1980s when glam and hair metal bands were all the rage, from Motley Crue and Ratt to Def Leppard and Whitesnake. To me, it was a fun, sometimes frivolous time with bands and music to match. It was loud, raucous and the chicks dug it the most. AARON HART podcast excerpt: "I took trumpet lessons in middle school. I quit that the second I got a guitar and everything became about rock 'n' roll, y'know?" Joining me today is Aaron Hart, lead singer of Love Stallion, which is a bit of a throwback to a kinder, gentler age, and yet it seems pretty damn fresh today. Hart will be performing two songs live on the show today, the Love Stallion single, “Slow Release,” plus “Valentine.” Love Stallion • • • •