104 Christopher Hart, cartoonist, instructor, author, "Manga for the Beginner: Midnight Monsters"

Published: Sept. 5, 2013, 2:46 a.m.

I was in London over the summer, mixing business with pleasure, when my family and I dropped into the Tate Modern Museum. It’s a spectacular venue, full of masterpieces anyone would agree deserves a place on display and more than a few we could certainly disagree upon. At the end of our self-guided tour, we spent a good hour in the museum gift shop, where I stumbled upon an impressive display of cartooning books by a previous Mr. Media guest, Christopher Hart. He probably already knew his books were being sold there, but I know from personal experience that every author enjoys photographic evidence that his work is well displayed. So I snapped a shot of the Hart books and posted it on Facebook. CHRISTOPHER HART podcast excerpt: "What you want to do in manga is keep those delicate almond eyes and delicate eyebrows, but make the eyes more intense. The eyelid is like a cape. A little shadow comes under the eye. We use that shadow to bleed the pupil into a shadow as well. Make that fairly intense..." By the time we returned to our hotel, Hart had responded with thanks and told me he had a new book due out in a few weeks. Which brings us to today’s show. The first time Christopher Hart was here, it was to promote "Humongous Book of Cartooning," which was exactly that. Today, he’s going to talk about his latest, "Manga for the Beginner: Midnight Monsters." Even better, he’s going to do a demonstration of exactly how to do it.