Extended Play: Stop & Frisk

Published: May 16, 2017, 9 a.m.

b'On April 15th, 18-year-old Dubois Stewart was on his way home from community service. A police car pulled up behind him. He was stopped and frisked. \\u201cI was terrified.\\u201d Dubois said in an interview with Mouthful for our episode on community policing. \\u201cI\\u2019d never been stopped and frisked before. I seriously thought I wouldn\\u2019t go away unharmed because of all the cases I\\u2019d recently heard of police brutality between black young males and police officers in general.\\u201d Two weeks later on April 29th, 15-year-old Jordan Edwards was shot and killed by police in Balch Springs, Texas. He was unarmed, sitting in the passenger seat of a car. According to The Guardian, black males aged 15-34 were nine times more likely than other Americans to be shot and killed by police in 2016. To date, more than 110 black people who have been killed by police in 2017. For today\\u2019s episode of Mouthful, a weekly podcast that puts young people at the center of important conversations, we\\u2019re doing something different. We\\u2019re revisiting our conversation with Dubois and his mom, Vashti, in the wake of the stop and frisk. In Vashti\\u2019s words, \\u201cWe can\\u2019t normalize injustice and by telling people the story we keep the conversation going.\\u201d'