82. Daily Practices to Reconnect with the Earth

Published: Dec. 16, 2022, 10 a.m.


Our relationship with Mother Earth, and the need for even the smallest of actions to protect her, is our focus in today\\u2019s podcast with Ayana Young. She is the founder of the nonprofit For The Wild. Ayana\\u2019s journey as an advocate and protector of our Earth began when she was studying Ecology at Columbia University.

She eventually dropped out to become a full time political organizer. She intertwined the environmental concerns with the \\u201cOccupy Wall Street\\u201d movement to bring awareness to the decline of our planet\\u2019s health. Ayana\\u2019s passion comes through as she illustrates how we are connected to everything; our modern lives are directly related to taking resources from the planet and not reciprocating.

Morning Microdose is a podcast curated by Krista Williams and Lindsey Simcik, the hosts and founders of Almost 30, a global community, brand and top rated podcast.

With curated clips from the Almost 30 podcast, Morning Mircodose will set the tone for your day, so you can feel inspired through thought provoking conversations\\u2026all in digestible episodes that are less than 10 minutes.

Wake up with Krista and Lindsey, both literally and spiritually, Monday-Friday.

If you enjoyed this conversation, listen to the full episode here.
