351. Lean Into Discomfort for Massive Growth

Published: Dec. 28, 2023, 10 a.m.


If you\\u2019ve ever been through a stretch season, you know it can be a wild ride. Maybe you\\u2019re in the middle of one right now. You might be healing from heartbreak, navigating a big career move or simply having a good-ole dark night of the soul.

Morning Microdose is a podcast curated by Krista Williams and Lindsey Simcik, the hosts and founders of Almost 30, a global community, brand, and top rated podcast.

With curated clips from the Almost 30 podcast, Morning Mircodose will set the tone for your day, so you can feel inspired through thought provoking conversations\\u2026all in digestible episodes that are less than 10 minutes.

Wake up with Krista and Lindsey, both literally and spiritually, Monday-Friday.

If you enjoyed this conversation, listen to the full episode on Spotify here and on Apple here.
