2.3 Botcetera: Artificial Intelligence

Published: June 24, 2020, 11 a.m.


Nearly a year later, Kit and Harper return with another Botcetera! This time we\'re here to talk about the Big Brother in our lives, the Ghosts in the Machines; it\'s artificial intelligence. Make sure to heed the below content warnings.

Topics Include: Where Would Hatsune Miku Be Without Hal 9000? Thank 1990\'s, Memoria, Uh...GLaDOS, We Are All Have A Liberal Arts Degree, Chatbots And Nueral Nets And Surveillance States Oh My!

Our theme and outro is Remember (The Synth-Pop Song) by Unsound on Jamendo.

Content Warnings: Discussions of sci-fi peril and horror, fictional genocide and torture, surveillance and law enforcement, racial bias and its consequences.

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