PROJECT AUDION 30 - The Eavesdropper

Published: May 16, 2022, 4:35 p.m.


PROJECT AUDION #30, Season 3 Premiere!

Out of more than 900 episodes that the classic radio thriller Suspense produced between 1942 and 1962, there are 13 shows that are missing, and OTR researchers have tried for years to track them down. One of the missing 13 is "The Eavesdropper," which aired just once - January 3, 1956. No recording has ever been found. Thanks to Suspense historian Dr. Joe Webb, Project Audion is able to recreate "The Eavesdropper" so you can hear it for the first time in more than 65 years - a story of a high-rise murder plot that was discovered and which leads to a double execution.

Our transcribed-live recreation features a cast that reaches from Hollywood, California to Toronto, Canada. Watch and listen as we hope to keep you in...Suspense!


Duane Noch, New Jersey

Patte Rosebank, Canada

Tim Burns, Kansas

Trevor Rines, Canada

Bob Beamont, California

Directed by Ms. Rosebank and produced by Larry Groebe
