Halloween Issue 3: Reflections of the Past

Published: Nov. 4, 2019, 5:01 a.m.

CW: Horror related to children

This issue is GMed by T. Huth. T. is the host of Inkubator On Air, a new play podcast available on iTunes, Stitcher, Spotify, and Google Play. They can be found at thuthplaywright on Twitter or tphuth94 on Instagram.

Ethan is played by Elliot Peterson. She can be found at elliotylen on Instagram.

Nugget is played by Rose. Rose is an actor and theatre artist in the DC Maryland and Virginia area. She can be found on social medias @smileyroseyyyy

Teddy is played by Anthony Sheets. He can be found on twitter @icynewyear or at icynewyear.com

The Music for this issue is Vanishing by Kevin MacLeod. A link to the license and his website will be in the show notes.