Episode 27- This Mr. Stay Puft’s Okay

Published: Aug. 21, 2014, 11:01 p.m.

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THIS EPISODE WE TALK ABOUT… - Paul Rudd - Agents of Shield Characters - Frank Miller Wired Article - DC Multiversity 99 cent sale - Tribes - The Only Living Boy - DC Bombshell: Stargirl - Grim Fandango - Battlefield: Hardline - Mario Kart Benz - Jimmy Fallon - Golden Eye - TMNT Documentary - Ghostbusters / TMNT cover - Mr. Stay Puft on NBC ---------------- iTUNES https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/montes-mayhem/id808500645?mt=2 WEBSITES www.MontesMayhem.com www.KumaKreations.com YOUTUBE http://www.youtube.com/MontesMayhem https://www.youtube.com/KumaKreationsEnt FACEBOOK www.facebook.com/MontesMayhem www.facebook.com/KumaKreations TWITTER @MontesMayhem @KumaKreations INSTAGRAM http://instagram.com/montesmayhem http://instagram.com/KumaKreations TWITCH http://www.twitch.tv/kumakreations EMAIL MontesMayhem@Gmail.com QuanBSamurai@KumaKreations.com HIRE KUMA!!! http://xmasarts.com/kuma/