141. How To Set Soft Boundaries and Sharing Your Needs

Published: April 18, 2023, 7 a.m.


Join Freedom Club\\u2060\\u2060



In today\'s episode, Marley shares with you all the magic that has been happening in her life recently and why boundaries are essential for relationships with others and with yourself. Tune in for a serious amount of self love, enjoy!



She talks about:

  1. How to set boundaries and state your needs\\xa0
  2. \\n
  3. The basis of a beautiful relationship is sharing and reviving your needs.
  4. \\n
  5. Boundaries if you don\\u2019t set them the universe will\\xa0
  6. \\n
  7. Your self-worth is the ability to set boundaries
  8. \\n
  9. How we are raised to feel like our feelings are a burden
  10. \\n
  11. & So much more!
  12. \\n


I hope you enjoy, please don\'t forget to share and subscribe :)



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In case you missed her \\u2060\\u2060\\u2060\\u2060\\u2060last episode!\\u2060\\u2060\\u2060\\u2060\\u2060


Follow along with Marley at \\u2060\\u2060\\u2060\\u2060\\u2060@marleyroseharris\\u2060\\u2060\\u2060\\u2060\\u2060 or send her an email to Hello@marleyrose.ca!

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