Monday Night Magic: #685 - The Second Oko Ban of 2020

Published: March 10, 2020, 4:08 a.m.


It\'s a slow news week. In fact, if the B&R update hadn\'t happened we probably wouldn\'t have done the show this week. But luckily it did, so here we are! There are banlist updates across several formats, which is the big news of the week of course. There\'s the reveal of the full list of foils in the Mystery Booster WPN Edition. There\'s a list of stuff coming up soon in Magic Arena. And there\'s the single tournament to talk about, GP Lyon. But hey, we get a nice short show this week.

Seriously though, continue washing your hands. Be safe out there.

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Chewie - @TheManaPool
Squee - @SqueeGoblnNabob
Cluze - @lacluyze

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