Stephanie Danler, STRAY: A MEMOIR

Published: April 1, 2020, 9 a.m.

b'I\\u2019m obsessed with Stephanie Danler\\u2019s brilliance. She\'s the author of the international bestseller\\xa0Sweetbitter\\xa0and the executive producer of the\\xa0Sweetbitter\\xa0series on Start (which Kyle and I started watching last weekend - so good!). Her latest book, Stray: A Memoir, is set to release in May of 2020 so you can pre-order it now. This forceful and emotional book explores Stephanie\\u2019s life as a child raised by an addicts and alcoholics, the damage she inherited, and the journey to move forward towards a different way of life. This book has gotten me out of my own head more than almost anything else lately because it\\u2019s just so immersive and beautifully written. Stephanie and I discussed her choice to start this book when her son was five months old, why she had to move several time zones away in order to find the focus to create, and the hardship of writing about such deeply rooted traumas. Stephanie shares her extremely stressful coronavirus experience and the idea that we are all grasping for the illusion of control at this moment in time. I loved Stephanie\\u2019s advice to just finish what you start and so much more. I couldn\\u2019t wait for her pub day to share this given all of our talk about what\\u2019s going on RIGHT NOW. I promise it will help you through.

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