Alix Strauss, THE JOY OF FUNERALS: A Novel in Stories

Published: Dec. 27, 2023, 5 a.m.


Zibby interviews lifestyle journalist and award-winning author Alix Strauss about the 20th Anniversary Edition of THE JOY OF FUNERALS, a powerful collection that is written with raw wit, mordant humor, and a uniquely penetrating voice as it spotlights loss, grief, and loneliness. Alix talks about her unique book party at a funeral home, her decision to reissue her book after two decades, and the changing societal attitudes towards funerals, death, and grief. She also shares insights into the unique structure of her book (it has eight short stories and a novella) and then describes her career transition from acting to writing (it might have something to do with a psychic reading\\u2026). In the end, she shares valuable advice for aspiring writers, emphasizing the importance of self-investment.

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