048: James Shotwell

Published: Sept. 15, 2016, 6:51 p.m.

b"This week, Deanna chats\\xa0with James Shotwell. He's done many things in the entertainment industry. He currently works for Haulix and is the film editor at Substream Magazine. We also talk about jobs in the music industry, Under The Gun Review, and more. We did have to use the Skype audio, so please excuse any audio hiccups.\\nWhere To Find Us\\n\\n@deeechap\\xa0/\\xa0@jamesdshotwell\\xa0/ \\xa0@missalignedpod\\n\\nYou can also email us at missalignedpod@gmail.com.\\n\\nWant to sponsor the podcast?\\n\\nIf you\\u2019d like to sponsor the podcast, you can contact us at advertising@modern-vinyl.com. It\\u2019s very affordable and you get numerous mentions throughout the podcast."