2245: Fix Your Sleep & Balance Your Hormones With Dr. Kirk Parsley

Published: Jan. 8, 2024, midnight

  • His background and how he got into what he is doing today. (2:01)

  • The startling effects of Ambien on special operators. (19:17)

  • Shifting the culture through his private practice. (26:33)

  • \u201cIf you\u2019re not sleeping well, you\u2019re not repairing or preparing for tomorrow.\u201d (33:22)

  • The best treatments to decrease brain inflammation. (41:19)

  • The demonization of psychedelics. (45:15)

  • How did he get introduced to peptides? (1:01:28)

  • We evolved to sleep. (1:03:09)

  • Can you develop cortisol resistance? (1:07:50)

  • What is causing the gradual decrease in men\u2019s testosterone? (1:17:57)

  • Peptides for better sleep. (1:20:29)

  • His stress-free checklist for improved sleep. (1:25:17)

  • The badest Seal he ever met and why. (1:37:12)

  • The characteristics of a stellar Navy Seal. (1:40:04)

  • Switching his resentment to a superpower. (1:43:38)

  • His first experiences with psychedelics. (1:47:11)

  • Not repeating the cycle of his parents with the raising of his children. (1:53:28)

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