1649: How to Pass a Physical Test, What to Do When You Miss Your Caloric Target, Fixing the Root Cause of Pain & More (Listener Live Coaching)

Published: Sept. 25, 2021, midnight

In this episode of Quah (Q & A), Sal, Adam & Justin answer four Pump Head questions via Zoom.

  • The value of fitness as you get older. (4:02)
  • Mind Pump x Jordan Shallow collaboration coming soon! (10:04)
  • New product alerts from Magic Spoon! (13:14)
  • Taco Bell\u2019s latest drive-thru concept. (20:10)
  • Crazy medical stories with Sal. (25:24)
  • Comcast is now making TVs. (30:59)
  • The pros and cons of new technology. (38:20)
  • The link between depression anxiety and fitness. (42:38)
  • How the ChiliPad has helped Maximus during his recent sickness. (45:00)
  • #Quah question #1 \u2013 What would you recommend I do to increase my endurance, yet keep my muscle mass, in preparation for a physical fitness test? (51:41)
  • #Quah question #2 \u2013 If I miss my caloric intake for the day, should I try and make those calories up the next day or throughout the week? (1:10:36)
  • #Quah question #3 \u2013 How would you address and fix the root cause of my pain? (1:23:05)
  • #Quah question #4 \u2013 How can I speed up my metabolism without building any more muscle? (1:40:00)

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