Published: June 4, 2020, midnight
In this episode, Sal, Adam & Justin discuss 6 different ways to increase the effectiveness of your HIIT workout.
- The origins and benefits of High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT). (3:17)
- The differences between HIIT cardio and HIIT training with weights. (7:13)
- Why mobility belongs in EVERY routine. (12:05)
- The importance of reflecting on WHY you like this type of training. (17:20)
- HIIT training is NOT meant to be all the time. (18:35)
- Why your HIIT training should resemble more like resistance training and less than cardio. (22:01)
- Prioritize FORM over everything! (25:30)
- The cautious thought pattern that went into designing MAPS HIIT. (27:38)
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