1162: Five Ways to Relieve Pain Naturally

Published: Nov. 14, 2019, midnight

In this episode, Sal, Adam and Justin give you five ways to naturally relieve pain.

  • How over 100 million Americans suffer from chronic pain DAILY! (2:07)
  • What are the differences between chronic and acute pain? (2:58)
  • HOW you are moving can determine WHY you are in pain. (5:02)
  • The Five Most Important Ways to Relieve Pain. (7:22)
    • #1 \u2013 Improve overall mobility to solve the root problem. (9:42)
    • #2 \u2013 How your diet can be causing your joint pain. (24:59)
    • #3 \u2013 Optimizing your sleep to reduce pain. (33:46)
    • #4 \u2013 The importance of getting proper sunlight. (43:11)
    • #5 \u2013 Practicing mindfulness to reframe how your body perceives pain. (46:54)

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