1127: How to Grow Your Biceps

Published: Sept. 26, 2019, midnight

In this episode, Sal, Adam and Justin isolate the bicep, it's function, aesthetics and the best way to train it for maximum growth.

  • Why the bicep flex is the universal \u201ccheck out my muscle\u201d? (2:35)
  • The anatomy of the bicep. (7:44)
  • Why the bicep curl is the easiest exercise to do. (12:20)
  • Ways to train your biceps to respond faster. (14:30)
  • Game-changing moments that altered the way the guys trained their biceps. (16:54)
  • The importance of utilizing full range of motion when training your biceps. (31:25)
  • The proper dosage for bicep growth: The rep ranges, amount of sets & training frequency required. (33:36)
  • The value of BFR (blood flow restriction) training. (39:27)
  • Sal\u2019s ultimate workout to grow your biceps: Exercises, rep ranges, sets, frequency & MORE. (43:02)
  • Adam\u2019s ultimate workout to grow your biceps: Exercises, rep ranges, sets, frequency & MORE. (46:15)
  • Justin\u2019s \u2018functional\u2019 workout to grow your biceps: Exercises, rep ranges, sets, frequency & MORE. (51:11)
  • The importance of trigger sessions on your off days. (54:15)

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